The article presents the proposal of Learning Communities (CoL), highlighting the teaching, research and extension activities produced and developed by the Center for Investigation and Social and Educational Action (NIASE/UFSCar) over two decades of existence. It seeks to systematize the contributions of NIASE to the proposal of CoA, recovering, by means of a bibliographical survey, the history of the Center. For this purpose, the text begins by a) outlining the Learning Communities proposal, to contextualize NIASE's field of action, b) presenting and systematizing the bibliographic and historical data of the work developed by NIASE with the Learning Communities proposal, and, finally, c) brings as a result the indication of productions and actions of high impact and scientific and social relevance, which subsidize important theoretical reviews to the field of education, to the proposal of CoL and elements that generate social transformations in different school contexts. Even though the text presented has a descriptive limitation, not going deep into the aspects of meta-analysis and critical-reflexive, it shows, by the history and conglomerate of its actions, the undeniable contributions of the Center to the trainings, to the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the search for the dream of an egalitarian school, together, which generates maximum learning through the construction of respectful coexistence and the building of solidarity networks.
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